Research and Development (R&D) is a complex of activities that consists of scientific research, design engineering and prototyping, and goes before the start of new product production. In 2009 TYDEX R&D sector was arranged for performing these activities. The department is completed with advanced research equipment. The projects are devoted to THz devices and sets for THz photonics mainly.
The main functions of the department:
- new THz devices and assemblies developing;
- existing products refining for the quality improvement;
- company current scientific and engineering questions working out;
- outsourcing for THz R&D.
The R&D sector is equipped with such devices and instruments as updated THz TDS Spectrometer K-15 by Menlo Systems (Germany), IR Fourier Transform Spectrometer by Bruker Vertex 70 (Germany), IR impulse femtosecond laser by Avesta (Russia), spectrophotometer Photon RT by EssentOptics (Belarus).
Therefore we can carry out the spectroscopy research in the broad range of the wavelengths from 190nm up to 3000µm in polarized and non-polarized light under different angles in the modes of transmission and reflection. When prototyping the sector uses nearly all manufacturing facilities of the company.
THz TDS Spectrometer K-15 by Menlo Systems (Germany)
IR Fourier Transform Spectrometer by Bruker Vertex 70 (Germany)
Spectrophotometer Photon RT by EssentOptics (Belarus)
During the work since 2009 the specialists of the sector have obtained a great experience in doing R&D activities, patenting the innovation and licensing the products. Among the sector development accepted in production can be found THz Impulse Radiation Electro-Optical Detector, THz Scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometer, THz Broad-band Phase Transformers, metal mesh filters for THz radiation. Developed devices are got implemented in the manufacturing process.
One can find the new product information in TYDEX product catalogue and on web site of the company. For the last four years our company has won twice the competition to do R&D for the Fund of assistance to development of small forms of enterprises in scientific-technical sphere and successfully performed it. The patents and publications show the level of the R&D sector work.
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